Monday 9 February 2009

A belated Happy New Year (apologies...)

It may seem as if I have been ingoring my blog of late but I can defend my lack of posts by now uploading the work I have been concentrating on.

Some pieces of poetry that I have put on Handsel Mondays I have since taken off to develop and improve: a masterpiece is never finished! I have spent my Christmas break and January writing my essays and compiling a poetry portfolio for my degree, and it is this portfolio which now consists of these improved pieces of poetry - well, hopefully they're improved! So, the poems I initially disregarded, or were not wholly pleased with, have now been jiggled and fiddled for my portfolio but I have also spent my free time writing poems that were not aimed at my degree and I will be uploading both efforts. Have a look and hopefully they will tell you provoking stories with an uplifting atmosphere!


Oh yes, Happy New Year! I realise this is seriously belated... and I can only say that I haven't abandoned my blog as I have been keeping a daily paper version - yes, the traditional diary is back!

I've been writing in a diary for nearly every year of my life but in the last half a dozen years, when I have attempted keeping a dairy, I haven't been writing past the spring. This year will be different! I really want to jot down everything that happens in my final year of uni and especially what happens and how I am feeling when we all graduate from Cardiff in the summer. Scary stuff! But there is no way I can share the diary with my online blog - it's far too embaressing! Especially the late night praisings of Miss Barlow, after a few drinks and a fun night in our Union. Check out Barlow's blog at

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